Downwind Kitesafari

Downwind Kitesafari

What is a
Downwind Kitesafari

On a downwind kite safari, you can expect an adventure of a multi-day downwinder past tropical, largely deserted sandy beaches. To be able to really enjoy this adventure, we attach great importance to good service and safety. Accompanied by a vehicle on the beach and a kite guide in the water, there is always someone on hand and you can enjoy the downwind kite safari without any worries.

Lots and lots of kiting

Every day we do a downwinder and kite at different spots along the way. We get to know the best wave spots in Ceará and deserted lagoons and estuaries in Piauí and Maranhão. We are kiters ourselves and know the best beach sections and kite spots on the north-east coast of Brazil. We have years of experience and look forward to showing you the most beautiful kite spots.

The tours

Choose between different sections of the route from Cumbcuo to Atins. It takes 4 days to get to Jericoacoara. We kite about 20 – 50 km per day, past beautiful wave spots and lagoons and get closer to the north step by step. We downwinders the most beautiful stretches along the coast. Further north, we cross the next federal state of Piauí and kite around the third largest river delta in the world, the Delta do Parnaiba. On the entire route from Cumbuco to Atins, we cross 3 federal states on the north-east coast of Brazil in 10 days.

Your kite level

Downwinders are not suitable for beginners! You must be able to kite safely in waves and strong winds and be able to relaunch your kite quickly out of the water. The downwinders can take 3-4 hours (with breaks), so a good basic level of fitness and reliable equipment are a prerequisite. The most important thing you need to be able to do on a downwinder is to ride switch (toeside) in order to kite downwind parallel to the beach. This is a different technique and must be learned beforehand.